NFPA 291 - Water Flow Testing & Marking of Hydrants (Fitter Zone)

NFPA 291 - Water Flow Testing & Marking of Hydrants (Fitter Zone)


John August Denhardt
Kevin Hall


Learn about the application of NFPA 291. This course will discuss the recommended practices detailed in the 2016 edition of NFPA 291 to perform flow tests on hydrants and mark hydrants based on available fire flows.

Upon completion of this webinar, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify the difference between a standard and a recommended practice.
  2. Apply NFPA 291 to determine available water from a hydrant for fire protection systems.
  3. Apply NFPA 291 to mark hydrants based on available flow.

Continuing Education Credits: 0.1 CEUs, 1.0 CPDs, 0.1 CAL FIRE Fitter CEUs

  • This webinar offers CAL FIRE approved CEUs 


AHJs: $15.00
Members: $35.00
Non-Members: $150.00

Please log in to receive member pricing.

Price: $100.00